Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Fears and Anxieties of Impending Fatherhood

Well, time is moving by in an eternity that lasts only a few seconds. It seems I learned only yesterday that I was going to be a father and tomorrow she will be born. Well, according to the due date, we still have about five weeks, but it still feels like tomorrow.

While still thankful for how few complications that Martha suffered in the months leading up to this, I become increasingly anxious as this seems to be a safety of the past. Now my head reels with all of the latest information there is out there. It seems like she is at the doctor's office every other day and they alarm me with yet another thing that they are watching that I apparently don't need to worry about. As if they are just watching these things for their entertainment. Of course I am going to worry.

There are simple things that almost anybody can figure out. If they do blood work three times in two weeks to check for pre-eclampsia and toxemia, it means they have a reason that they are looking. If it is extremely rare for Strep B to cause harm to mother or baby, that means sometimes it does. And I don't care what people say about it being only a minor concern, her feet weren't even close to that big before she was pregnant, and I don't have to like it just because the doctor's aren't alarmed yet. They're just watching.

I realize our mother takes care of her own, and a strong part of me has faith that we can pull through whatever life throws at us in these five weeks and beyond. Still I would love to walk into the doctor's office and here. "Wow, if only everyone could be this healthy through pregnancy."

Oh well, I guess that's just the latest chapter of our life, or something close to it.


Blogger Kim said...

Praying for you, the baby and his mother.

8:20 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

Her mother, Kim, for it is a daughter on the way. I thank you for your prayers though.

Chip, I think that "wow" is about all I can say. If this blog was needed in my life for one and only one reason, I believe that response to this post was obviously it. For whatever reason you wandered into my little corner, the Wanderer is quite grateful that you did.

8:45 PM  
Blogger Kim said...

Wow, Chip.

That was an awesome note.

I will remember all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Thank you :)

2:14 AM  

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