Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Art and Flesh

The artwork on my back was completed today. It takes up much of my back. I will get Martha to take a picture with her digital camera in the next day or two and put it out here so you can see it if you wish. If in fact you have such a desire. Feel free to reply either way.

Right now I will not be writing much due to numerous impediments to said process. My back hurts if it touches anything, so I have to sit without my back against the chair. This of course strains my back in a different fashion. (No, while it might sound like it, this isn't whining, just explaining. I have nothing to whine about, I volunteered.)

My head is a little light as well. My body is tremoring just slightly and there is a little nausea. Yes, for all of you experienced in medical issues, these are all classic symptoms of shock. Not too serious though. I have people watching me, but it should pass. The addition to the tattoo on my arm a few years ago produced a minor such reaction, I kind of expected it with the larger assault of this tattoo. I will just stay awake and ride it out. If it persists, I will consult a professional. In all probability it will soon pass. Tomorrow when I am feeling a bit more of myself I will fill you folks in on what else is going on, if I can think of anything. Otherwise, I will go back to my verbal meanderings.

Until then, I hope you all find a little joy in your life, or something close to it.


Blogger Arthur Brokop II said...

and here i am still telling my boys
"don't you dare!"
Jeremiah got his wedding ring tattooed on, and then the marriage broke up...
My grandmother had one. A heart on her arm. When my sister was getting married, my grandma wore a lovely blue dress with sheer sleves and I noticed she had a bandage on her arm. I teased, grandma why are you wearing that bandgage. Her answer "I don't want everyone to know I have a 'hearton'. She was quite a character!

8:00 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

As I predicted, the body adjusted fairly well within hours of my post. Still a little sore across the back, but just barely. Enough to remind me when I lean on something. Not bad really. I still haven't gotten around to taking a picture yet, but I will get to that soon enough. I will have to take it to my mother's house, since it is her computer that has the software that lets me post the pictures.
(I do all of my on-lining at the in-laws or my parents' house, as my own computer gets self conscious if you put a calculator next to it.)

7:12 PM  

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