Thursday, June 23, 2005

People (Or the reason the world sucks)

It seems like every day I am bombarded with example after example of what horrible and uncaring people there are in the world. Some days I am ashamed to be associated with my species at all.

Today while riding around in the car with my mother and wife, I was filled in again on the latest updates in that mess of a custody battle that my sister is going through. Generally I don't even want to hear about it, but something today hit that cord more than usual.

As I sat there and listened to the varying details of this latest saga, it really hit me for the first time. We aren't talking about political games between two people. We are talking about how two selfish adults are ruining a child's life.

My niece is going to be going into the second grade right now. This is probably part of the reason that this hit me so hard so suddenly. I can say from personal experience that what happens at this age range is going to shape how she lives her life whether she realizes it or not. They are easily causing permanent damage to this child, not just the temporary that we can see, and they don't care. They don't pay the slightest attention to it beyond their silly little politics about court orders and who insults who when. My niece is losing, and I fear she is doing so irreparably. The worst part is that there are so many attorneys and judges involved. So many officials, and none of them seem to notice this. I still don't have much judgement on who "wins" but the first person who steps forward and says that this is enough, that they are going to protect this child from all of this crap, I swear I will throw my weight into giving them custody. So one of you is mom, one is dad. One of you works more, one of you spends more time with her. Frankly, Blarg here, who is visiting from Saturn, actually cares about insuring that she grows up to be a healthy individual. For that reason we are putting your daughter on a space shuttle. Don't like it? Too bad. You should have realized sooner that you were ruining this child's life and possibly building an unstable young adult who our society would then have to deal with twenty years down the road. Get your act together and try again for another somewhere down the line.

I guess I may be being a little harsh, but with my own little one on the way, this stuff angers me even more. I just don't want my niece growing up to be like her mother. Or me.

I got back here to go online and do my little rant about this and found an e-mail. It was a chain letter purporting that for every three people it was sent to, AOL would give 32 cents toward an operation for this baby. The baby's picture was even included.

Now to the best of my knowledge, such a program would be highly impractical, if not impossible. I don't believe that AOL could track this e-mail amongst their own people, let alone to all of these non AOL addresses. The attempt to do so would surely have costs far outweighing the offered benefits. It would also be easier for them to just donate money or solicit sponsors.

Bottom line: It's a scam. Not only is it a scam, but it is one using a baby's picture as bait. This is despicable, and I can only hope that the baby in the picture is actually healthy, that it is loved, and that whomever used its picture for this scam got hit by a bus.

Well, I think I have probably demonstrated my mood for the time being, so I will leave off with this. Contrary to earlier reports, the tattoo hasn't been done yet. The appointment before me showed up late and the artist had to leave early, so he asked me to reschedule. So, it is slated for Monday. The downside is that I won't have it done before the baby shower. The up side is that the resulting delay while waiting for my ride to return for me left me sitting at the bar across the street and talking with a co-worker I have never associated with and finding out she is quite an interesting person after all.

She also paid for a number of drinks for us both which resulted in me getting something off of my chest to my wife and mother that I otherwise wouldn't have. I will reserve what that issue was about for the time being, since I wouldn't have relayed such a bit of history had I been sober, which I am now. So you folks lose. All of you except Lisa anyway. She already heard the story. (If I hear that any of you who know her asked her about it, not only am I sure she won't tell you, but I am equally certain that you will find that I won't be amused.) If you want to know, buy me a couple of drinks and see what happens. :)

A perfect example of how alcohol can be good and bad at the same time.

Well, the rant is done, and there is little else to report, so I will catch you folks on the next time around.


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