Tuesday, June 28, 2005

A Day

That is about all I can say about yesterday. By the time it was drawing to a close, I was too frustrated and tired to do much of anything. Including coming out here to complain about it.
For those of you who have been following the saga, the planned body artistry was scheduled to be completed yesterday. It wasn't, but we will get to why that happened shortly. Instead I will focus on covering the order of the events of my trying day.

I got to work and called my wife to tell her I had arrived safely, and then went on to begin what should have been a normal workday. Of course, one of the advantages of my job is that there really isn't such a thing as a "normal" workday, but that is a whole different subject.

The day began relatively normally, up until the point where I called my wife to wake her up at 10:00 am so that she could begin to get ready for work herself. She made the comment to me that she wasn't sure what she was going to do if she found that she couldn't put her shoes on. Apparently her ankles and feet had begun to swell again. I informed her that she needed to contact her OB if the swelling was that bad, and she assured me that she would.

Half an hour later I had a call from a very distraught Martha telling me that she was waiting on a return call from the nurse because the swelling had gotten a lot worse. I told her to keep me informed, and I in turn informed my boss that it looked like she wouldn't be coming in today. (Martha had hinted at coming in later, but if I wasn't confident that the nurse would veto that, I would have.) In discussion with my boss, she asked me if I could stay later to help cover the shift. Obviously this was the least I could do. Not completely philanthropically speaking either, Martha not working means her not getting paid, so adjusting for that with my hours was also practical.

I told them that I could leave at 2pm as scheduled and return around 4pm in time for the busy period, as I had the appointment at the tattoo shop around the corner. I knew that neither the long hours nor the pain in my back when the work is completed would have been comfortable for working, but you do what you have to.

Martha informed me that my mother was taking her to the doctor, and so my ordeal of not knowing began. This was when the assistant manager, my immediate boss, got a call from his brother. His brother is the tattoo artist I was going to see. He called to inform his brother that not only had he just then been informed that the woman that covers the desk had scheduled me for that day, but she had scheduled two others for the same time slot. As such, he was going to have to reschedule again. I have to admit that my boss was more incensed by this second rescheduling than I was, and I have the strong impression that this is not likely to happen a third time.

This left me with a two hour period to cool my heels before moving on to the second half of a double header that would last twelve hours. During the time that I was waiting to hear from Martha and fuming over the second rescheduling, I checked my voicemail to find "reminders" of two appointments with two of the specialists I have been working with that I hadn't known about. These appointments were scheduled back to back on Wednesday, too close to get time out of work, particularly at the end of the month when my services are needed for scheduling.
Those appointments I had to reschedule, one now in mid July, another in mid August. (On Martha's due date. Hopefully she isn't one of the rare ones to hit it on the mark.)

Fortunately, they were all frustrations, but not large problems. Much as tends to always be the case in life. They are smaller in retrospect than at the time. Martha is fine. The bloodwork came back today and nothing is wrong. It is just hot, and she is small enough that the baby can wreak much havoc by simply moving. The tattoo should be done next week, or the end of this one if the artist can swing it (my boss's influence). The appointments have been rescheduled, and in truth are mainly just management issues, not anything intended to break new ground on my health status.

Thus, today, I am tired, but well. Frustrations arose, but merely to remind me that they sometimes will, and that I should pay more attention to the good days. For such is the way of life, or something close to it.


Blogger Wanderer said...

Given the nature of my "flock" of sorts, nothing is ever rock solid, nor are readjustments infrequent. That is the one thing I look forward to with the new parenting gig I went and signed up for. I don't know what normal looks like, so I sure won't miss it.

3:44 PM  
Blogger Hegemon said...

You'll never find this comment.


5:50 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

Bet me.


10:11 PM  

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