Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Results

(Note: author is Mc)

*****Wanderer updates again: It is official. WE TOOK THE SENATE!!!!

**** UPDATE: Donald Rumsfeld has stepped down as defsec! This is like a birthday followed by a BONUS ROUND birthday! I'm so thrilled and excited right now that I did an extra ten reps on each one of my weightlifting exercises, and was ABLE to.

Google Image Search could not come up with a single picture of Geena for my original intention of simply posting it with the caption "I win."

We (that is, Democrats, from both Wanderer's and my perspective) captured the house and as of right now, the Senate is dead even at 49-49 with two races outstanding, Montana and Virginia. shows both as having a slight Dem edge, 51 to 49 in one case and 50 to 48 in the other, with 99% reporting.

Of course these are not guaranteed to be accurate, but assuming it's a reasonable facsimile, by the time I wake up tomorrow we will have captured the Senate as well.

Unfortunately, Lieberman got in, so I don't know whether they're counting him as a Dem or not. If they are, then we're actually behind by one seat right now cause that guy is NOT a Democrat.

But, to stay on the positive side, the cabal that had been in power is now only in control of two of the three branches of government, so at least we have a foothold and maybe, MAYBE, please Joe Pesci please, have some oversight now. The coup d'etat that was either perpetrated, or in the midst of being perpetrated, by Rove and the neo-Con cabal (I hate to repeat myself but there's no better word) is hopefully now in its dying throes. I say this half intending irony (remember when Rumsfeld said the insurgency was in its dying throes in 2003?) and the other half completely serious.

The fight isn't over yet; we still have to save the executive branch from the coup in 2008, and defend the legislative from it. If we can get them both in 2008, then, finally, we might rest knowing the Constitution of the United States of America has escaped the mortal peril it's in now. Maybe we'll even have some new justices by then to replace the likes of Scalia. Maybe will be an incredible strock of good fortune and Alito will get hit by a meteorite by then, who knows. But gaining control is not all.

The most important part is still, and always has been, us. We as citizens must stay vigilant. We have to pay a lot more attention and devote a lot more attention than we have been. Until we get to a point where more people can tell you who their senators are than can tell you who Jennifer Aniston is currently fucking, we're NOT PAYING ENOUGH ATTENTION. Is it work to stay on top of it all? Yes, of course. Is it difficult and sometimes unpleasant? Absolutely. But it's your DUTY as a citizen. And I'm not talking about some hypothetical arbitrary "duty" like whatever stupid, wasteful, pointless crap they made me do in the Army, I mean duty in the sense that when you drop the ball and don't fulfill it, terrible things happen (see 2000-2006 CE.)

When you don't know what's going on you can't stop it.

When you don't know what's going on you can't even object to it.

And then we get stuck in Iraq and let a neo-Con cabal rise to power a la the Nazi party in the Weimar Republic. Thousands of Americans die needlessly and we bankrupt ourselves to the tune of nearly a trillion dollars.

That was a direct result of American apathy when it comes to politics and news.

Let's not let that happen ever again.


Blogger peppylady (Dora) said...

I posted my voting result over on my blogg. If anyone cares.

12:53 PM  
Blogger Hegemon said...

I actually read it, but it didn't say which party any of those candidates were from and I didn't recognize the names, so I didn't really get anything from it.

I'd be glad to know that information though peppy so I can learn a bit about you.

4:13 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

MC - I don't know if the links were there yet when you read it, but they are now. If you haven't already ascertained that much at least, it appears most of those she voted for (all but one) were Democrats and she voted against the ammendment to ban gay marriage.

6:31 PM  

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