Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Harvest Moon

The Harvest moon became full today at 2:41pm EDT. It rose over Rochester, NY at 7:41pm EDT on September 7th, and will set at 7:38am EDT the following day.

It rose over Farmington, NM at 7:42pm MDT and will set at 7:48am MDT on September 8th. (It became full at 12:41pm MDT on the seventh.)

The Harvest moon is so named because we are now into the more significant portion of the harvest season. The full moon being useful to help shed some light for people who would continue to work into the evening, as well as again being a seasonal reminder. I could go well into the questions of mythology that led to this name, but is often the case, I think the reason was relatively obvious to begin with.

The next new moon will be on September 22 at 7:46am Eastern Daylight time.
The next full moon will be on October 6th at 11:12pm Eastern Daylight time.
The next Sabbat will be on September 23rd. The Autumnul Equinox, otherwise known as Mabon.

There are your lunar details for the month. You may return to earth and to your life, or something close to it.


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