Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Back From My Brief Hiatus

Sorry that I haven't been around for the last week or so. I was planning on posting some brief comments to update you folks on what's been going on here on Sunday while visiting the in-laws, but events interfered as I will soon indicate.

I was out in the backyard with Martha as we were preparing for dinner. At this point, I had Anthony since he was getting too fussy to stay still. Martha was heading inside with the corn to boil it when her ankle twisted and she fell.

Now I have always been a cool character under pressure, so I am sure you all realize that a simple matter such as Martha tripping scared me to death. Pregnant women aren't supposed to fall. It's bad for business. Of course, my initial reaction was to run over to her and make sure she was okay, much as her father was already doing. Problem was that I couldn't figure out what to do with the baby.

Fortunately one of the guests, probably seeing the distress on my face, offered to take the baby. And by the time Martha was getting up I was ready to ride to her rescue. She had cut her knee up a bit and I was already hasseling her to call the OB just to make sure everything was okay. She agreed to do so, but based on the fact that she knew they would make her wait at the hospital for hours of observation, said she would do so after she ate.

Initially I argued with her, but on the agreement that she would call sooner if anything felt wrong, we went with that plan. As a little time passed, she realized that her foot was causing her trouble as well.

As predicted, the OB sent her in to ED to have her foot checked out (a minor sprain) and then up to their floor for four hours of observation.

The end result was that she is just fine, as is the baby, and things are now back to normal plus one sprained foot. Further details will be presented as they occur, but my visit here is short today, so you will have to wait to here next until my next opportunity. That's just life, or something close to it.


Blogger Arthur Brokop II said...

i got a great letter from carol yesterday...
i'm so glad you found my blog...
i was hoping to hear that martha had emily on the 15th because it was ardy's birthday, and he'd be so happy...he needs happy
blessings on you and yours

12:56 AM  

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