Sunday, June 19, 2005

Marthak and the Hobgoblin

Well, Martha is still getting rounder by the day. Fortunately she still has enough of a sense of humor that I can post that without getting slapped. Everything is going well. Emily Carol is still very healthy, and Martha is making up for the slow start in weight gain by gaining twelve pounds a minute. Actually it has been twelve pounds total, but she assures me that she thinks the scale at the doctor's office is measuring in tons.

I have new pictures of the hobgoblin since Martha went to the ultrasound again last week. You can finally see her face. I was too busy looking after Anthony while we were actually in the office, (Anthony is a three month old boy that my mother-in-law watches 90% of the time) but when I saw the pictures later my face tried to light up the room. I am partially excited for her to be born and partially scared. I can't wait to meet her face to face, but I know that as soon as she sees me, the word "Sucker" will be imprinted on my forehead. Her first words are going to be "Daddy, you love me", and just like that she will steal my soul.

I am getting my tattoo done next week. I will probably post the picture of it on here shortly, but I don't have it here. I will scan it later this week. Or maybe I will wait and let Martha take a picture of the real thing.

Martha is having a mixed reaction to the idea of me getting the tattoo done finally. She is glad that I am doing it, since I have had the picture drawn up for two years now. She also realizes as I do that this will be one of the last chances for me to be able to afford to get the money together for it before the baby is born and I never have any money again. However, she and Meg are both apprehensive about it from the stand point that the cat scratching me has caused my tremors to begin in the past. That was before they diagnosed that essential tremor thing and started medicating me for it though. Besides, getting it on my back means that if my arm starts twitching it isn't a problem. I have not yet seen an instance where pain has caused me to have one of my seizures either, but I can see their reason for concern in that regard nonetheless. I know the tattoo artist well, and either Meg or Martha will watch for the warning signs. He's a professional and a friend, and at the first warning from them he will stop. Let's keep our fingers crossed that if something is triggered it is on a delay so I don't have to go back a dozen times to finish this.

Anyway, that about covers that for the moment. Stay tuned if you wish to know what else is going on as I move along. Many updates forthcoming on the hobgoblin and how the tattoo fares, as well as anything else that comes to mind along the way. Stick around. It will be a fun ride.


Blogger Arthur Brokop II said...

Praise the Lord, Martha is a mommy?
And soon to be mother of two?
Did I read that right?
Is she using the same diaper service that her mommy used?
To catch up on the saga that has been our life here in New Mexico,
you can check out the archives on my site, art's site (temple corners) and our "ministries" site
Gateway of the can get there from the links on my site.
We (Pastor Art) and I might be coming to Rochester for my nephew's wedding.
Blessings on you, on all of you!
I knew blogging would be good for something.

8:34 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

A slight confusion may have been presented by the way I wrote the particular section regarding the ultrasound. To clarify a bit further, Anthony is not our child. There is a long story as to why my mother-in-law has had him for most of his 3 months of life, but he is not directly hers either, though he thinks he is. Martha and her sister, are glad to have him as a warm up to what they will imminently be dealing with 24/7. Martha and I get a second closer warm up, as Roseanne is due a month before Martha is, and she is also having a girl.
Sadly, the diaper service you reference no longer exists, nor does any other in our area, so no, we will not be using it.
I would offer the same, that you might catch up on what has happened here through this blog, but it is only two days old, so there will probably be more reading of context and flashbacks than anything. We shall see what time brings.

2:57 PM  
Blogger Arthur Brokop II said...

oh my gosh! Roseanne is expecting too? All three of my boys (Pastor Art, Repentant Ardy, and Jeremiah the messianic jew) send their do I

5:29 PM  

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