Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Reality Of The Debate

Many people in places other than this blog engage in many a debate in which too many people focus on the words and the philosophies and the teachings of ancient "holy texts" that the people their legislation effects don't all believe in. The sickening thing is that you people refuse to see that it is more than words.

I was told that one could not become passionate as I am about this issue because it did not directly effect them.

A month ago, 15 year old Lawrence King was murdered by a fourteen year old boy, one of the same boys who taunted and bullied him about his sexual orientation. A week later a 17 year old transgender teen was killed as well.

Unlike you people, this is real to them. Very real. How many of you would vote for the "Not my problem" response if a member of your family was persecuted? If they faced very real danger?

Anonymous - Do you still stand by your claim that a homosexual can live, work, socialize where they want to without fear of persecution or even fear for their lives? Have you yet researched the idiocy of these kinds of statements?

That is two more of your fellow human beings dead. Are all of you folks really ok with this? If not, do you really think it does a damn bit of good for the future Lawrence Kings for you to shake your head, say that is a shame and just go about your daily lives?

You folks like to say that it is wrong to draw parallels to other civil rights movements. My Goddess takes issue with anyone's blood being spilled in her fields. Where does your god stand on that one? The same two quotes keep racing through my mind with every new story like this that comes out. One from the bible, one sardonic. "Whatever you do to the least of my people..." comes from the bible. The bumper sticker that comes to mind says, "Jesus is coming, and his pissed."

Remember the WWJD kick a little while back? What do you think he would do in response to you turning your backs and becoming accomplices to these abuses and murders? Whose side do you really think he will be on, yours or Lawrence King's?

Just some more thoughts to interrupt your life, or something close to it.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, Steve. I'm back (for a few minutes at least). Since you seem to be addressing me specifically in your post, I'd better answer.

You won't get much debate from me on this one. Killing people is pretty much always wrong in my religion as well.

I never said that you could not be passionate about an issue that doesn't directly affect you. That's pretty much the definition of "compassion", right? I think I did say something defending my right to view the issue dispassionately. That's important too in matters of justice and public policy.

And I also stand by my statement that homosexuals have never been subject to the same public overt discrimination as African-Americans. There have never been the equivalent of Jim Crow laws, to my knowledge.

That does not in any way justify any discrimination or persecution suffered by individual gay people. But it does make something of a disctinction between the gay rights movement and the racial civil rights movement that I think gay activists should remember with humility.

Just in my own experience, I could name about 3 times as many gay co-workers and supervisors compared to black ones. It's a company joke at my current place of employment that you almost have to be gay to get promoted above middle management.

There's nothing specially gay-oriented about my industry. It's just that gay individuals are born into all walks of life. If they are born into a white middle class family, they have a good shot at doing well in life regardless of their sexual preferences. Being gay does not restrict access to opportunity the same way being black does (or Hispanic, or Native American in other parts of the country).

3:03 PM  
Blogger Hegemon said...

Jim Crow laws are over with. This issue is not.

10:41 PM  
Blogger Seraphim said...

the same is that Christians are not at the forefront of protecting the LGBT population. i'm convinced, if the incarnation was now, Jesus would be at Metropolitan Community Church, not 1st Baptist.


Mea Culpa


8:33 PM  
Blogger Seraphim said...

sorry that was supposed to say SHAME not SAME.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

Seraphim - The shame is that everyone isn't at the forefront protecting their rights. I guess it is easier to pull the hood down over your eyes and say things like, "It isn't as bad as...", "There aren't that many of them...", and "They are infringing upon our sacred traditions."

8:19 AM  

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