Wednesday, November 28, 2007

7 Random Weird Things

I was tagged (sort of) by Erin for this, so here goes. (With the necessary disclaimer to MC that I merely copied the name of this thing, and haven't really compromised in the good fight.)

The necessary rules:
1. Link to the person’s blog who tagged you.
2. Post these rules on your blog.
3. List seven random and/or weird facts about yourself.
4. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post.
5. Let each person know that they have been tagged.

1. I have music on my MP3 player in seven different languages. I only speak one of them fluently, and probably wouldn't die if left only with the use of one of the other six.

2. I know every word of every song on one of the cds that some of that music comes from, despite not speaking that language, and regularly sing along.

3. I have been known to get extremely annoyed with and sarcastic to people who misuse the word "random." (I am usually rather indifferent to other misused words, although the song "Ironic" annoys me.)

4. I created a fictional character in high school that I entered into several pen-pal correspondences as with real people (I think). This character still corresponds with several people because she doesn't know how to tell them she isn't real without hurting their feelings.

5. I applied to one college, because they were one of the foremost colleges for funeral sciences and also had a decent fashion design school. I had planned to pursue both. When accepted, I enlisted in the Air Force instead.

6. I once set my arm and my porch on fire with a flaming shot, and succesfully put the fire out on the porch with out putting my arm out or recalling that it was on fire.

7. I have been known to sit and look at my arms and try to remember what they looked like without tattoos on them. (Not that I regret the tattoos, I just wish I could remember.)

In true keeping with rule number 4, I will go back to the main page and tag 7 random people the best way I can, by clicking on links of people who recently posted. Those people are:

Monica and Adam
The Painful Happenings
Birth Of The Cool
Rescued Me
The Convergence Of Science And Religion
Cookies And Cats

I will note that I am not necessarily promoting any of these blogs, as I am not at all familiar with them. (Look up the actual definition of random if you aren't getting the idea here.)

So there are seven weird things about my life, or something close to it.


Blogger Erin said...

1,2. I'd be interested to know what some of the foreign music you listen to is.

3. How do people misuse "random"?

4. That's sad.

5. How long were you in the AF? Or are you still? One of my best friend's husband is enlisted and next week they are moving from McChord to Eilson. Brrr.

6. Someone had one too many shots.

7. I can understand that.

Thanks for playing. Completely interesting.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

Erin - 1: The languages mentioned are English, Russian, German, French, Spanish, Gaelic and Italian. The CD in question was one burned from several, containing all of the Russian versions of t.A.T.y.'s (I can never remember how the capitalization goes for that.) 100km/hr in the wrong lane. The other languages are represented by a number of different artists including Rammstein, Celtic Women, Shakira and others whose names escape me at the moment.

3. "I was talking to some random person the other day." (Really? Did you roll the dice to determine whoe the recipient of your wisdom would be?) Or "Tag seven random people." (I don't think many actually did so, as I did. For example, the one who chose you defeated the "random" part by actively choosing you.)

4. Isn't it?

5. I have been out of the AF since 1998. I chose a field that got out sourced to civilians, which ended up working out just fine as far as I am concerned.

6. Someone has an essential tremor, and too much adrenaline at his house going up in flames to note the pain.

6:21 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Ok I get the thing about random.

Thanks for the music info...I love Celtic Woman. I've heard of the others, but I'm not really familiar with them.

Sorry about my comment on #6...if it was a bit of an (ass)umption.

7:34 PM  
Blogger Hegemon said...

I'd like it noted that I was the one who kicked the flaming shotglass off of the porch and into the yard.

I swear to Pesci that it seemed like it would help at the time.

Good disclaimer, though. I hate it when people misuse random when they mean arbitrary. I also hate it when people misuse the word ironic when they mean unexpected. And I really, really hate it when people use the word literally to mean its exact opposite.

If I still had a blog I might do these.

7:48 AM  
Blogger Cindy said...

Steve, I've learned a few new things. But I have no idea what to do with that knowledge now. :-)

11:29 AM  

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