Friday, February 02, 2007

Imbolc and the Quickening Moon

The Quickening Moon rose over Rochester, NY at 4:48pm EST on February 1st and became full at 12:46am EST on February 2nd. It set at 7:53am EST.

It rose over Farmington, NM at 5:14pm MST on February 1st, and became full at 10:46pm MST. It set at 7:42am MST on February 2nd.

The Quickening Moon is so named due to the beginning signs of spring. The world is quickening in preparation for the growing season to come.

This year the Quickening Moon coincides with the Sabatt of Imbolc. Often viewed as a celebration of the Goddess Brighid, it is one of the fire festivals, and is a festival of light. It has also been referred to as Candlemas.

This Sabatt operates with similar thoughts in mind to that of the Quickening Moon. The seasons are preparing to change again, and we are further out of the winter season. The days are getting lighter and the weather is preparing to turn. It is too soon for planting, but the beginnings of nature's spring fashion line have begun. This is not a great feasting day. The harsh weather and cold nights are still a factor, and at this point the food supplies would be dwindling. This festival is a time of conservation, even while looking ahead.

Looking ahead is a common factor of Imbolc. It is a time for planning, or scrying. It has been said that on this day the Goddess lends aid to those who are scrying, particularly those using water or crystals to do so.

The next new moon will be February 17th at 11:14am EST.
The next full moon will be the Storm Moon on March 3rd at 6:17pm EST.
The next Sabatt will be Ostara, on March 20th.

There is your lunar and seasonal info for this round. You may now return to your life, or something close to it.


Blogger Hegemon said...

Rawr rawr rawr, don't nobody understand you, she-bear!

8:12 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

how's your friend doing?

8:32 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

MC - Once more your intellect humbles me. ;)

Cindy - I haven't the faintest idea. She hasn't appeared in the obituaries yet, but not being family I don't get much information from the hospitals.

Chris P. - You didn't say anything so I am not responding to you.

10:28 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

Steve- i understand. we were recently in the same situation with a friend who was too sick to visit, but not close enough to hear about daily. i got lax about checking the obits after a while. we missed his funeral by a day.

12:04 AM  
Blogger Hegemon said...

I'm sure the inanimate shell didn't mind.

2:36 AM  
Blogger Cindy said...

mc- you're right and i agree. nor did we know his family, so they weren't affected either, and donny wasn't the kind of person who'd be bothered even if he knew we weren't there. i guess i wanted to do something- to prove to myself that i'm not a totally selfish jerk.

9:13 AM  
Blogger Grey Owl said...

Wanderer - I'm sorry to hear about your friend, and I hope you get info soon. It's so tough to be playing the waiting game, and when you're outside of the imediate circle - well, it always makes me feel like some hanger-on. Like an emotional barnacle.

You still up for a phone conversation? My self-induced sabbatical is over...

10:39 AM  
Blogger Hegemon said...

hey Grey Owl... I'm glad to see you back.

3:00 AM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

Grey Owl - Definitely up for it. Glad to see you have returned. I was concerned that you would have to be filed under a chapter that was closed.

Cindy - Still checking the obits, but my lax nature has put me in slightly different territory. While it makes little difference, I can't apply weight of knowing she is there in the hospital still. Of course I do have contacts, working as long as I have intimately with so many people in the hospital in question, but haven't worked up the courage to pull those strings either.

Lisanocerous - I think I mentioned this on the phone, but on the off chance I didn't I will reiterate my feelings on one of the things said. I felt particularly out of place in his wake because I had two stories I would love to have shared, but nobody there knew them, and they seemed oddly inappropriate for the setting.

1:52 AM  

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