Tuesday, November 15, 2005

The Full Moon

The moon will begin it's rise over Rochester, NY at 4:19 PM EST. 27 minutes prior to sunset. It should be plenty visible, weather permitting, to all by the point it officially becomes full at 7:58 PM. This particular full moon is known as the Mourning Moon. This is the moon that marked the end of the harvest and frequently the beginning of the snow season. (It has also been referenced as the Snow Moon) Many reference the Mourning to be a reference to the Goddess and her coming slumber, but in truth it would probably be called the depression moon if such a word had been common in times past when these names were given. This moon marked the time when you had to huddle in doors and pray that you survived the winter. It was preparation for mourning, knowing you or some of your loved ones might not. Now, thankfully, for most of us it is just a name by which to recognize the passing of the seasons.

While not extensive, if this information is of any use to any of you, I am pleased. If not, that's just life, or something close to it.


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