Sunday, October 07, 2007

Thoughts On Prayer

A few months ago, a friend of mine was preparing to undergo surgery, and she called upon all of her friends to pray for her during this ordeal. I was included on that list at the time, and I must admit that it raised some rather interesting questions for me. This woman is a Christian. One with whom I have debated theology with on occasion. She has made it clear that she is of the opinion that the Goddess that I speak of and speak to is really the devil, or some demon working for him to ensnare my soul. (I don't know whether that is a step up or down from those who believe she is a figment of my imagination.) I don't take offense to this opinion of hers. She has the right to it. It does make me wonder, though, in conjunction with the above indicated prayer request.

I did bring up to her the fact that she has declared that the one that I pray to is an evil force, and as such, praying to Her would seemingly be something that would not be in her best interest if she is correct. Not that I am trying to be an ass, nor was I attempting to kick her while she was down. I just wanted to ascertain her actual position on the subject, and I still marvel at the thought process, and her response when I brought it up.

Why would you request that someone intercede with your god's adversary to assist you? Wouldn't that come kind of close to making a deal with the devil yourself? Wouldn't asking me to pray to my Goddess on her behalf be the same as her doing so for herself? So if She is who my friend says she is, wouldn't this be kind of crossing the line?

Of course I understand that making too much of this issue leaves me walking a fine line myself. After all, I am not looking to increase the tensions between pagans and christians, but in this case I wanted to verify. I have had people get angry with me in the past for praying for them.
To paraphrase the response she gave, that I don't have in front of me right now, she indicated that it was not an issue of who I was praying to, but who was listening. Of course, this concept blew me away. Not because I find huge flaws in it, but because I would presume she and many others would.

It presents the concept that if the christians are right about their one true god, it doesn't matter who I pray to, or what name I use, their god will respond or not the same anyway. Didn't one of my "Mother" posts have the Goddess saying the exact same, and drawing criticism from some of the christians?

What purpose does even focusing on your god's name or attributes have if there is just some big spiritual scanner picking up all the prayers anyway? Of course it isn't that simple either, but my point is that this seems an oddly un-Christian perspective. I will leave it at that. I wasn't actually intending to attack her. I was taking a look at a point that I kept thinking warranted further speculation, but now that I have brought it up I realize I didn't delve into it too far up to this point because right below the surface I had covered this already. The real surprise was having one of my opponents in some regards avow a position she herself had argued earlier.
Still, since I opened it up, I suppose any of you who still come around here can bat any aspect therein around if you so choose. Or don't. Either way, I have to get back to my life, or something close to it.

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Blogger Erin said...

I don't really have an answer for that, but I will have to say it is a very interesting question, one I haven't ever heard before.

BTW I found your blog a long time ago through Cindy Bryan...and it's been in my reader ever since...glad you posted again. I've really enjoyed reading your writing.

I have a sister who is a New Age something-or-other (she's not sure), a brother who is a Gaian/Pagan anti-theist (believing all Abrahamic religion is evil because of zealotry which has cost so many physical and spiritual lives) and a brother who is more-or-less agnostic. I'm a Christian. Our spiritual diversity fascinates me, so your question about prayer is one I'll be thinking on.

Also, if you don't mind, I might open that question up on my blog. Could generate some interesting discussion.

1:54 AM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

Please do. Perhaps I will stop by and see what comes up. If not, no slight intended, I have failed to keep up with a lot of my friends blogs (and my own) lately.

3:18 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Hey no worries. Life (or something close to it) happens, with or without the blogs. ;-)

8:02 PM  
Blogger Cindy said...

hi Steve,-
I haven't been ignoring this post, just haven't wanted to rush through an answer. not that i'm going to give a very complete one now, but you know, it's been busy.

As i read your post I distinctly remembered you writing once that you would pray for me. And I distinctly remembered appreciating it.

I can't say it's because i felt sure your prayers would be heard by the same deity as mine. I thanked you because your saying so indicated concern and care -an offer of kindness. It seemed that you were also stepping out on a limb a little bit with/for me.

I don't think I'd have responded to your question the same as your friend. Then again, I've had some time to think about it.

An act of kindness is just that. I couldn't possibly be offended by it. Sadly, I believe that many people would be. Are you offended that I pray for you? I assume not- correct me if I'm wrong. I've prayed for Martha and your job and for you- especially after your friend's recent death.

I don't know if our prayers (or the hearers of them) are duking it out somewhere out there in the spiritual realm or not, but if they are, right now I'm content to leave it be. If you pray for me out of genuine concern I believe that my God is honored by that, because intercessory prayer an act of love and that's pretty much what he's all about.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

CIndy - You did well in answering that. Prayer is an act of love, regardless of the deity who might be receiving this prayer.

I still intend to visit this on my blog...just been a busy week and I haven't had a chance to post about it because I want to take some time on it.

12:50 AM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

Cindy - Of course I wouldn't be offended by you praying for me. As I indicated before, I am of the opinion that there is only one listening, and She wouldn't hold it against the person you were praying for even if you misunderstood who She was. I do appreciate your prayers for us, and I appreciate you taking the time to respond fully to the question.

Erin - I did stop by both of your blogs briefly, and do fully intend to do so again when I have the time. Time. Once I had a lot of it. I wonder where I put it. Maybe I will check the attic.

2:45 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Hey Steve - I intend to post on this in the next day or so...but I had a question for you.

I would like to know how you would describe your faith/spirituality/religion, in a couple of words? I don't want to misrepresent you by simply saying "Pagan" if that's not specifically how you would like your beliefs to be described.


11:35 AM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

In one or two words? :) That should be an interesting challenge, since I have been working with many more to highlight that here. Let me consider that for a bit and I will respond later today.

2:14 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

Well, Erin, as I indicated, brief wasn't easy to attain. I did respond, as you will undoubtedly see in post format instead of here.

3:42 PM  

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