Saturday, February 11, 2006

A Mother's Response

One of my children asked the following question, and I felt the need to give her an answer:

"If God knows a person will be murdered, that the plug will be pulled, that the bomb will fall…is anyone but God to blame? Did Jesus die on the cross because ultimately all Sin was God’s fault anyway…for coming up with a faulty plan. Of course not! That is just cynicism."
My initial question would simply be, what do you think the answer is? Don't worry, I am not leaving you in the dark on that simple response. I wouldn't have wasted my time talking to you otherwise.

Does what I know actually matter in your life? Do I not give you your choices? Would you prefer that I didn't?

Am I to blame for the loss of innocent life? Of course. Whom else would you blame? If you need to blame, and travel up the chain enough, I created the world in which it could happen. Thus, yes, I am to blame. You take yourself too far if you do this though. You can't remove yourselves. I am not the one who is murdering your brethren. I am not the one creating or dropping the bombs. You are.

Do not blame me for your failings. I gave you what you needed, and so many of you pervert it. Do you feel the need to kill? Then do it. Will I be saddened? Yes, but that doesn't change the rules. You will do as you wish.

Does this make me impotent? Frankly I don't care if you think that it does. You have ignored me all this time, or twisted me to your own rights, and still you do as you will. I am not weakened by my allowance of your self destruction. You are. You will never rise to rival me if you can't work with each other. Besides, you must remember that the rules were created by me. If you destroy yourselves within my rules, I still win. It is the game I created.

I know I come across by these statements as not caring, but you must remember who I am. I love you. Yet you cannot threaten me via your own self destruction. You cannot bargain with me, because you have nothing to offer me. I offer guidance, and care not whether you follow it. Why? Because eventually you will notice. I have forever. Literally.

If you want to know me, realize that cynicism shouldn't be why you argue against this thought process. Realize that it is a simple matter. I make the rules, and you play by them, whether you want to or not. I am your superior. You cannot draw a correlation. As such you must realize that these attacks you make on me by the actions of your fellows who also couldn't aspire to be me is foolish.

I have spent millenia instructing you on what I would have. Even those of you who recognize what I have done don't listen. I have millenia. You don't. Stop blaming and start listening. Ultimately your people will excel because of it. Therein is my promise. Heed and stop blaming me.

I help where I can. This alone should amaze you, since I have given you free will, and working around that fact to aid you and prevent your own self destruction should be enough to deserve your praise. Still, if you don't mean it, keep your mouth shut. I will be fine despite your reaction.

I will add that as my last. For those of you who feel I need more people to praise me, save your breath. If you mean it, call it to the heavens, and I will hear. I don't need it though. Worship and communion with me is for you, not for me. Work on helping the people, and if I play in then so be it. If not, let them do their best as a member of your race without acknowledging me, for it is better for all that way.

Care for each other, and heed what is important. Remember that what I want for you is effected little by who you think I am, and much by who you are yourselves. Finally, to acknowledge my own sense of humor, as per the standards of this mode of communication, I have one final piece of advice. Worry not about me, if that taxes you too much. First pay attention to your own life, or something close to it.



Blogger Arthur Brokop II said...

did you know that you posted this on my birthday...i'm getting so old. Some really good stuff here, great things to think about. And life goes on...

1:25 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

Actually, I did know that. You mentioned it when we were on the phone. My apologies for my delay in wishing you a happy birthday.

1:46 PM  

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