Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Prologue to the White Wolf's Monologue

The cave is laid out so no external light can get in. Still, it is bathed in a warm and multicolored light from the many gems in the ceiling and walls. The gems seem to reflect and react to each other's light with no hint at the source of the illumination. I stand amazed for a moment. Not by the cave, though it is still awe inspiring every time I see it. I am amazed because every other time I have come to see the woman who now lays on the altar I have recalled the journey to this cave. This time I do not.

I stand in the cave and look upon her relaxed form. She lies still, and gives every appearance of deepest slumber. An oddity. She has always been awake when I have arrived. Awake and expecting me. I look closer just to see if she is in fact breathing. For a moment she seems not to be, then I see her chest rise and fall. The ghost of a smile crosses her lips as if she dreamed something funny.

"Am I dreaming you then?" She asks, only the movement of her lips indicating that she is awake.

I laugh, caught off guard as always by her response to my unspoken thoughts. "That is an interesting question, one I imagine we could discuss in depth."

"Perhaps you could. I think the topic would bore me." Her voice indicating it already has. "That isn't why you are here, though. Perhaps you should tell me why that is."

"I think you know why I am here." I reply. "You could just as easily tell me."

"I could." She says with a smile. "But I won't."

The cave is silent for a moment as I stare at her. She appears to truly be asleep once more.

"I've been sleeping the entire time, you silly child." She says. The hint of a smile is back.

"Do you have any advice for me?"

"I could advise that you ask your question, rather than wasting my time."

"I am preparing to write out in detail what I believe."

"I know. It will be good for you."

"I don't know where to start."

"Try starting at the beginning. That's how I did it. Trust me, things just flow better that way.

"But I am not sure where the beginning should be."

"So you want help finding the beginning, as far as this personal expose is concerned?"

"Yeah, I guess so." I admit.

"Try writing it out." The humor in her voice is clear now. "You should find the beginning on the first page."

I feel myself getting angry, but try to keep it in check. "You act as if this isn't something serious." I accuse.

"That's because it isn't. Not in the way you act like it is."

"What do you mean?"

"Where in my charge did I tell you to give yourself a stroke trying to quantify me?"

"I don't understand." I push. "Wouldn't you want me to present it right?"

"For what reason? For you to know what you are thinking? Or for those others who don't care?"

"You don't think there is someone who will care?"

"Of course there are people who will care, to some extent or another." She replies soothingly. "But if they don't understand, they will ask questions. You'll get it right eventually. Most of it."

"Most of it?" I ask. "What about the rest of it?"

The humor was back, and she actually laughed. "Well it would obviously be wrong."

"And if one of those details was about you?"

Again the laughter, eery as her body didn't move with it. "I would imagine there is a pretty good chance, given the subject matter."

"This doesn't bother you?"

"Don't you imagine I will correct you if it is anything too important?"

"Perhaps you should tell me what to say." I suggested.

"About your relationship with me?" The tone was more mocking. "Would you have Martha tell the story of how and why you love her?"

"That's completely different." I object heatedly.

"Hardly." She counters. I start to respond and she cuts me off. The steel in her voice a stark contrast to the peaceful expression of her sleeping face. "I don't think you want to annoy me by arguing such a silly point."

I suspect that the fact that her expression hasn't changed means that I haven't angered her too much. "You are right, but you still shouldn't argue. I am right. That's what I do." The humor has returned with the last comment. "Now go. You have things to write."

Even if I had a specific response, it wouldn't have been for now. As the light of the gems dulls, throwing her sleeping form into shadow once more, I know I have been dismissed.


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