Saturday, December 31, 2005

The Dual Purposes Of This Blog

There are two general areas that this blog focuses on, not counting the quizzes. One area is my life, what's happening in it, stories about Emily and etc... The other is the religious side that tends to bug at least one of you. I thought briefly about starting another blog and separating the two topics, but that seems to much like work, so if any of you want to skip the religious writings, you are going to have to sift for yourself.

One of my frequent visitors out here has commented several times (off the blog) that they would like to have more information on precisely what my religious/spiritual beliefs were. Several of the others have indicated at least that they don't really know. As such, and for myself, I intend to address this question in the weeks to come.

In deference to those of you who are not interested, I intend to title these segments to reference what they are. Tentatively I am considering referring to them as chapters of the Journey of the White Wolf. Whatever I finally choose it will probably be clear by the title, and if not then by the first sentence what it is I am talking about.

There are a couple of disclaimers I will throw out as I plan on embarking on this series of essays:
- I could continuously say, I believe this, and I believe that, but I am not likely to use that style. I will speak of things as they are. I will use the phrase "we" as well as "I". If any of you want to point out that the statements I make are unproven, feel free. As a general rule, though, I will simply refer you back to this post. I assume that by the nature of what I write in an essay of what I believe, it will obviously be an opinion more than fact. No need to point this out to me.
- Within the specific forum of these articles defining my religious and spiritual standing, any posts declaring that a path other than my own is the only true way to salvation, or anything of that genre will be deleted as soon as I see it. In specific regards to those posts, such a comment would be extremely disrespectful. If you feel the overwhelming need to say such a thing, put it elsewhere, even elsewhere on my blog.
- If you have any legitemate questions in regards to the content of these posts, feel free to ask. If I don't answer, it is most likely due to the fact that it is slated to be addressed later, although I will probably at least comment to tell you that.
- Remember that this is a revelation of myself, not an attempt to convert any of you. Taking it as an attack on your religion or lack thereof (i.e. A comment from me that "It obviously follows suit...") is pointless, since I assure you that won't be the intent of what I am saying. I am just stating where I stand, not where I think you should be.

There are other minor details I could throw out here, but I suppose I will probably just address them if and when they come up. For now, though, I leave you with only the warnings as I gather my thoughts for the first post in what lies behind life, or something close to it.


Blogger Cindy said...

Wanderer- I did come fishing a little. Well, after I checked on Emily's well being- first things first of course. Glad to see that you're planning to write out where you stand. Wouldn't dream of attacking you on your home base, or anywhere else. I'll be back.

8:27 PM  
Blogger Hegemon said...

Queens and fours. That is all.

7:28 PM  
Blogger Turtleheart said...

I'll be interested in following you on your journey. Looking forward to your posts.

Also, Happy New Year to you!

PS- as to your hanged man card for 2006, it may not be all bad-- sounds like you are in for a spiritual journey-- replied to your comment on my blog with more info from Greer's book on your card, if you are interested.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

I appreciate your comments in regard to the hanged man card, and am aware of that possible interpretation. I just felt like being cynical.

10:24 PM  
Blogger Judy Callarman, Scrabble Has-Been said...

Hello, Wanderer,

We are all wanderers of one sort or another, regardless of our beliefs, I guess! I read Tinkerbell's spiritual journey story, saw your comment there, followed the link, and here I am. I will be interested in reading yours gradually--I work full-time, so I can't just sit down and read it all at once. I am a Christian and I'll probably disagree with you on a lot of things, but I'll keep such thoughts to myself, as you instructed!


11:16 AM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

Feel free to disagree, and even say so. You are right that I asked people not to do so on these posts, but I did say that if necessary you could do so elsewhere on my blog. More importantly, I address many of these subjects outside of the white wolf posts. Including in the "mother" posts. I never put a disclaimer there.

I have no problem discussing differing view points. Look at the links to the christian sites I visit and check out the conversations I regularly get into there. It is just that this particular set of posts is designed in such a manner that I would rather not be thrown off track by dealing spinning off into debates on those specific posts. (Although it might be a moot point, since it is quite possible that this particular series will go unfinished anyway.)

Welcome, enjoy, and feel free to comment. Don't worry too much about dissenting responses either. We are a rough edged lot, but aren't particularly hostile.

9:34 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

I will further note, scanning through those posts again as I did, that you will see that at least in the early stages these posts did inspire conversation, including dissenting opinions. This is fine, it is one of the things I was looking for. The only thing I don't want here on these specific posts (just the ones with white wolf in the title) is a declarative, non-debatable oppositional opinion. If you wish to discuss what I wrote, even from a dissenting opinion, please do.

9:45 PM  

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