Saturday, June 17, 2006


Raccoons are extremely intelligent, and fairly mischievous creatures. They will go for what they want with little concern for stumbling blocks, more inclined to figure the puzzle out then search for an easier target. They don't tend to take this tendency to the point of stupidity though. Example: something is in a tin on a porch you are sitting on. They will come to the porch and try to sneak it off, to figure out how to open it elsewhere, with little reaction to your being there. Still, if you throw something at them or display other hostility, they will be inclined to drop the object rather than face the danger of holding onto it.
While not overly aggressive, they are capable of being vicious when cornered. Neither pack animals, nor anti-social, they can be seen roaming together or separate from each other.

And there, is a belated answer to a comment, the post of which is far enough back that I just decided to put the answer to. If you know which post I am referring to, congratulations. If not, that's life, or something close to it.


Blogger Hegemon said...

I can see that but it lacks the dramatic element I assumed would be present in these sorts of circle-jerks.

I really do like the appraisal though and I could see that very well. It's not a bad character at all.

I myself might have defaulted to something more ferocious, like a bear, specifically a polar bear which not only has an incredible tolerance for cold like I do but is one of the few animals that attacks completely unprovoked.

2:06 PM  
Blogger Wanderer said...

It is also extremely stupid, but I guess you could be an exceptional polar bear. :)

1:41 PM  

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