Sunday, June 18, 2006

Times Change

I am thoroughly exhausted and I still have seven more hours to spend at work. When I left work yesterday morning I caught the bus home and then waited around for an hour until the family was all packed up to go to Syracuse. Then it was into the car where I got to take a brief nap during the hour and a half long car ride. Interrupted of course by getting out to help my father change a flat tire that we got en route.

My cousin had a baby shower today, so I spent all day hanging around with the family, talking, swimming, and occasionally participating in the inevitable stupid games. It was a good time overall. The only down side being that the other half of my three hours of sleep came on the car ride home.

Five or six years ago when I used to work the overnight shift all of the time, I used to do things like this on occasion. I don't recall ever having so much difficulty in doing so or being so exhausted by it. In fact, I used to do so with very little in the way of repercussions.

Perhaps it is just that I am getting older. Not that I am making a claim that I am an old man, but I am not twenty-one anymore either. Perhaps it is the fact that most of the rest of the week when I did these things I would have slept for 10-12 hours a day and so I was much more rested. Perhaps the very fact that it isn't my regular shift, so I am not acclimated to these hours has an impact. In any case, it is going to be a long seven hours, during which time I may find myself needing to keep myself busy and entertained to keep the mind functioning in the long lulls between calls. So if I end up posting another series of pictures or quizzes, don't be surprised.

In the mean time, I am going to watch the end of this weird creepy movie and look fondly forward to the point where I begin sleeping through most of my first father's day. I imagine it is quite possible that I will be back around to talk about life, or something close to it.


Blogger Arthur Brokop II said...

Hey, Happy First Father's Day...

11:48 AM  
Blogger BrainSyke said...

Yep! Make every DAY a fathers day ;-)

night shifts are killers...I few years ago, i'd be pulling some crazy hours like that too...

3:03 PM  

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